Integrated rural development including education, health, rural culture, agriculture and agro based enterprises besides soil and water conservation are the basic requirement which are shown in this village in an artistic way. While taking the walk in this village, rural population will get some ideas to develop their village where as urban population will get the knowledge about culture and enterprises of model village. Rural Development Concept in Savergaon:
Fruit and vegetable processing unit, Raisin processing unit, Honey processing unit as well as Chocolate Factory are the main important attraction of this area. Small to medium size food processing factory can be visited by tourist so that they will get the idea about process part of the items which are available on their dining table. Similarly some youths can start their own food processing unit as enterprise for which separate training will be given to the interested youths
A variety of fruit processing industry has been set up in Baswant Garden. These include Raisin units, Honey processing unit as well as various fruit processing like jams, ketchup and chocolates.
Under the Baswant brand includes Baswant Jumbo Black Raisins, Baswant Green Seedless Raisins as well as Baswant Flame Raisins, Baswant Afghan Seeded Raisins etc.It also produces a variety of honey like Baswant Multiflora Honey, Baswant Jamun Honey, Baswant Neem Honey, Baswant Eucalyptus Honey, Baswant Ajwain Honey, Baswant Acacia Honey, Baswant Forest Honey, Baswant Sunflower Honey, Baswant Mustard Honey etc and in fruit processing unit Mixed fruit Jam, Gava Jam, Gava Juices, Mango Juice and Tomato Ketchup are manufactured.
Baswant garden gives lots of entertainment and knowledge to the visitors in other zone. Sport zone is specially developed to get some enjoyment while playing the conventional as well as new games. Different games played by our parent/grandparents can be played in this zone which is the most attraction point of this zone. Individual and group based games can be played to get full satisfaction and enjoyment..
You can then play a variety of sports including golf, archery, shooting, tug-of-war, Nigorcha, and soldier net.
In Our souvenir shop you can enjoy shopping souvenirs, memorabilia, and other items relating to a baswant honey bee park and baswant garden. The items include coffee mugs, soft toys, t-shirts, and other souvenirs, as well as our products like Baswant raisins, Baswant Honey, Baswant Jam, Juice, Ketchup, and Chocolates etc.